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Netflix and Chill

We have all heard of Tinder, but never did I imagine I would end up marrying someone off there! Like WHAT?! All of this time I was searching for love and this crazy swipe right gave me just that. Now the truly hysterical part of this whole thing is that this was not the first encounter I had with Rob. Him and I were actually Instagram friends before the whole matchy matchy. At the time I was talking to someone, so I wasn't showing Rob much love with the likes and comments. I think that bothered him because that fool deleted me! Well, when his beautiful face appeared on Tinder, I didn't swipe right at first, I had to phone a friend. So, I called my friend Dana and was like "girl, that guy Rob is on Tinder...Should I swipe right on him?!" She automatically said "YES!" paused and said, "It will only be weird if he swipes right too but go for it." So, a girl did what she had to do, she swiped right. Not even 3 minutes later I received an alert. Congratulations you have a match! It's freaking Rob! Of course, I was excited but a part of me was like awkward... To make matters worse he sent me a message right away that said, "Well well well look who it is." Uhhhhhh can you say embarrassing! The embarrassment quickly went away after our exchange of numbers and a couple long nights of extremely random conversations. We ended up meeting at a local bar for brunch just two days later. Nothing like nachos and mimosas to start a relationship off right. After brunch was over, we realized a couple of hours talking just wasn't enough. We ended up at top golf where he learned that I was not a professional golfer. Once the night was coming to an end, we realized that still wasn't enough. We talked even longer on his couch about family, goals and laughed about all of our crazy memories growing up. Since May 16, 2015, I have had the honor of going on dates with my best friend. & that my friends is how we met

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